
These are the posts that don’t fit anywhere else. A lot of them are about things I am learning on, you know, how to be a better human. Others are thoughts on other random topics that happen to cross my mind.

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The Mechanics of Fear (and climbing gear)

Classic post in which it takes me being in Thailand and climbing rocks to realise that it’s okay to be afraid.

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My new crush

I’m sure you’ve had your own moment of “name three important women in philosophy/medicine/…” and drawn a blank. It’s great to see that people are working on closing those gaps (big fan of the “Little People, Big Dreams” series for kids), but I still come across amazing intellectual figures wondering how I’ve managed to never…

The Antidote is Dream

Among my old notes, I found this piece from 2020 Ronja, sad and locked in under lockdown. She wrote straight from the heart about how we need dreams and play for fighting against depression. Okay, so you already know that I’m depressed sometimes. There is a neat, clinical way in which I could talk about…

In Defense of Esoteric Decision-Making

I think “rational” techniques that aid decision-making, like making lists and asking other people for input are great. I’ve used them a lot. Yet, I feel like many people in my (very head-heavy) environment underestimate how important engaging your intuition is, and lack the tools to do so. Tl;dr: I would like to push into…

How to write perfectly adequate blogposts

Or: The post I needed to read right now In which I am unhappy about a piece of blogging advice and provide myself with what I need to hear instead. I’ve been feeling the nagging dissatisfaction of not having written a blog post in ages. When I think about it too much, a part of…


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